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Can I schedule a press release to go live on the same day?
Yes. While we typically require a release to be submitted at least 12 hours prior to your scheduled distribution time, if you submit your news release during our standard business hours (6 a.m. - 6 p.m. PST) we can push your release live at your desired time. In short, we're flexible and responsive.

What kind of distribution can I expect?

At a minimum, we will publish your press releases to approximately 400 websites. Depending on your press release topic(s), your press release may also be published on additional industry-specific websites that pick up our feed for that topic. For example, in the human resources and recruitment industry, many high-domain authority websites publish our press releases. Apart from the broad distribution to websites, may also send direct notifications to relevant influencers, bloggers, and media professionals to ensure your news gets the attention it deserves.

Do I get a listing where my press release gets published?

Yes. A few hours after your press release goes live you will have access to a "clipping report" that details the places that your news was published.

Will my press announcements get into Google News?

The short answer is yes, but we (no one) can guarantee this. While all press releases submitted via are indexed by Google News, Google News typically adheres to a 28-day "news cycle" meaning if and when your news shows up in news search results, it's often gone soon thereafter. The fact is, most 'buyers' that come across your news do so by finding your news organically on standard web search results, which by the way, deliver the real long-term SEO/click juice. Most releases distributed via will prominently display on page 1 web search results and on Google "News".

What other analytics do I get?

In addition to the listing of websites your press release was published on, we will also provide two key metrics: Page Views and Advocacy Views. A "page view" is recorded every time we render the press release, on our site or as measurable across our distribution network and partner sites. This is NOT to be confused with headline "impressions" which we do not report because it is not an accurate number nor a good indicator of who actually saw and/or read the release. A page view means that someone clicked the headline of your press release and/or loaded the entire release within their browser. The second number we show is Advocacy Views. This is recorded whenever one of your advocates reads and/or shares your news.

Can I host my press releases on my website?

Yes, and you should. Newsworthy is the only newswire that offers the option to host your own releases. We call this Trusted Redirects, made possible because Newsworthy registers all press releases on the blockchain, creating a permanent and unalterable record of the press release. It establishes an authentic, time-stamped version of the release, ensuring its integrity and authenticity.

So why is this question in the analytics FAQ section you may ask? Well, hosting your own releases means that when someone tries to access the press release on Newsworthy's platform, they are automatically redirected to the version hosted on your site. This means you get the traffic, not the newswire. So there is no mystery with analytics — you can rely on your own site analytics to track the number of people reading your news announcements.

How do I set up self-hosting for my press releases using Newsworthy?

Newsworthy offers an easy-to-use WordPress Plugin, and for e-commerce platforms, there's a Shopify plugin. These plugins allow for seamless integration and the ability to start self-hosting your press releases without any hassles.

Are there any additional fees for using the Trusted Redirect service?

No, the Trusted Redirect is a free service provided by to its users.